
Currently is NOT accepting review requests
(This page will be updated once I am).


  • Prefered Genres
    Contemporary Fiction
    General Fiction
    High Fantasy
    Historical Fiction
    Science Fiction
    Urban Fantasy

I prefer YA novels but I am not wholly opposed to Middle Grade, NA and Adult novels.

  • I will only accept works that I am interested in reading. You will be notified whether I choose to review your work or not. Please, do not feel discouraged if I choose not to accept your request – it is most likely that I either do not have the time to read the book or I am simply not interested in it.
  • I will try to complete and review any requests within 2 weeks. Please, be aware that I am an Architecture student in my final year – I will definitely review your book but sometimes I may not manage it within 2 weeks.


In case I accept to review your novel, here is how and what to submit for review.

  • Ebooks are prefered. I prefer .epub files but I will be happy to accept other formats as well. In case you decide to send a hard copy, please, be aware that I am UK-based and some territorial copyrights may apply.
  • In addition, please, provide the cover and the synopsis of your book (or link to both).
  • Any additional requirements. If you need the review to be completed by a certain date, please, specify that. Also,notify me if you have a prefered outlet for the review to be published  – I always publish my reviews simultaneously on WordPress, Tumblr, and GoodReads but I am happy to provide them on retail sites such as Amazon and Book Depository, too, if required.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further quieries!

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